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Red Cross Offers Chance to Win Super Bowl 2022 Tickets Amid Blood Shortage

  Red Cross Offers Chance to Win Super Bowl 2022 Tickets Amid Blood Shortage Jan. 13, 2022 -- The American Red Cross is hoping to entice blood donors this month by offering a chance to win tickets to Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles or a home theater package, according to The Wall Street Journal. The nonprofit, which provides 40% of the country’s blood, said supply is at historically low levels. With a 10% overall decline in people giving blood during the pandemic and a 60% drop in blood drives at schools and colleges, this marks the worst blood shortage in more than a decade. “The crisis is so severe that we are having to limit the amount of blood that can be sent to hospitals,” Emily Coberly, MD, Red Cross divisional medical director, told the newspaper. Low blood supply can affect patient care, which is particularly urgent during the ongoing pandemic. Coberly said she has seen multiple examples of people with cancer who couldn’t receive transfusions on their scheduled treatment days. “
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