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How to write a mission statement for gyms


How to write a mission statement for gyms

Have you ever thought about how trustworthy your fitness business looks to your workers and customers?

Arguably, trust is an essential pillar to surviving in the highly competitive fitness industry. Plus, if you’re a leading organization that is highly trusted, you’re more than likely to have 2.5 x more organization and growth in your company than lower-performing competitors. 

Trust does not just happen overnight, though, and there’s no one straight formula to accruing a lot of trust from your members. 

While there are a million different methods to generate trust, there’s one proven and successful way to lay the foundations for trust in your health club: a mission statement.

In this article, we will look at what a mission statement is, why its important and how to create on for your fitness business.

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What is a mission statement?
Why do businesses need a mission statement? 
How to create a mission statement
What is a mission statement? 
A mission statement is a blanket statement that reflects the purpose of what you want your gym to achieve. Normally mission statements tend to be small and spread over a couple of lines. Even though they’re just a couple of lines, these statements take time to write as they have to reflect your company’s vision and allow it to represent your values accurately. 

They’re also important as they help your employees review your company’s purpose and act in line with your goals. Finally, mission statements provide you with a clear idea of the type of audience you wish to target and how you aim to serve them. While all good mission statements do this, they can be changed every few years so you can adapt to the fitness industry. 

Why do businesses need a mission statement? 
There’s a lot of benefits to gyms having a mission statement which are:

Increases employee engagement
Did you know that 67% of employees are more likely to be engaged at work when they strongly agree with their company’s mission statement? Mission statements allow your employees from the front of house staff, cleaners, personal trainers, class instructors, and more to have the same mindset and work together to achieve your gym’s goal.

Mission statements encourage your employees to be responsible for their duties, feel more engaged, and connect to the company culture to feel like they can play a personal part in achieving your goal. If many employees feel this way, workplace productivity increases, and the collective effort from employees allows them to feel more motivated in the workplace. 


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