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The fitness questionnaire – how to use it for your fitness business


The fitness questionnaire – how to use it for your fitness business

When gym owners read statistics such as engaged gym members have a five times more retention rate – it helps them offer better and more defined services. 

But where do these statistics come from? – surveys. 

We all know that the fitness industry is highly competitive. For you to make a difference and stand out, you need to identify your target audiences, build loyalty, and offer superb services. 

Fitness questionnaires can help you achieve that. 

If you’re a new fitness club owner, then this article will help you understand the different kinds of fitness questionnaires you should be making and what you should include in them. 

Skip ahead to:

What is a fitness questionnaire and why do you need it?  
Types of fitness questionnaires you can make 
Fitness questionnaire templates 
Tips to remember when designing survey questions 
What is a fitness questionnaire and why do you need it?  
Fitness questionnaires are surveys that your gym members take. Here you can ask the respondents questions about your services, personal trainers, feedback, general information about their lifestyles, their interests, health conditions and anything else you want to know. 

The main reason for making these is to get information from your customers. 

But these also serve other purposes. These questionnaires show your members that you care about their input and are committed to improving your services according to their needs. 

The fitness surveys are a cost-efficient way to conduct market research and develop customer-centric gyms. 

All questionnaires for fitness businesses – much like any other business – are made for specific reasons. It could be that you want to learn more about the type of classes your members are interested in. Or you might want some data on the age groups and the fitness levels of your customers. 

Whatever the reasons, you always have to include concise and directed questions to get clear results. You can distribute these surveys on social media, through emails, on your app or in person at your gym. 

Fitness questionnaires can help you determine the net promoter score (NPS) for your gym. It’s a system that most gym owners use that gives them an idea about general satisfaction amongst the respondents about their services. It can help you improve your business and attract new and more customers. 

Types of fitness questionnaires you can make 
The type of surveys fitness businesses need depend on the services they offer and what they want to know. 

You can create questionnaires for new members to get information about how they found you, what kind of classes they want to join and demographic information. 

Or you can make one-question surveys that help you answer one specific issue. 

Here are five of the most relevant questionnaires most gym owners often need: 

Market research survey 
If you want your gym to stay relevant, then you need to keep a close eye on fitness trends. Market surveys are excellent for just that. 

These questionnaires are also helpful to understand your customers – especially if you’re considering moving to a new location or expanding to a different fitness niche. 

You can ask questions about your fitness classes, equipment, members’ ages, household income, what respondents love or hate about the gyms in your niche, and about their favorite fitness program.

Health and wellness survey 
These can help you understand your audience better and create fitness programs more suited to specific groups. It’s also great for identifying health risk factors amongst your members. 

Here, you can ask about the respondents’ physical activity levels, fitness goals, cholesterol risk factors, history of heart attack, high blood pressure, supplements and related information depending on your fitness gym and the people you cater to. 

Exercise and fitness survey 
These surveys are directed towards your fitness classes. You can use the results to improve the user experience and offer better group classes. 

Here, you can ask about the instructors, if the gym memberships are worth the experience, type of classes, fitness goals, satisfaction with personal trainers and instructors. 

Facility survey 
This type of survey can help you pick the best location for your fitness center, improve the aesthetics of your gym to make it Instagram worthy and most of all – make the facility appealing to your members.

You want your members to come and bring others to your gym. And that’s possible if you design a place that they’d love.  

Here, you can ask questions regarding the parking space, lockers, smoothie bars, music playlists, equipment, ventilation, customer service, management, cleanliness, overall environment and much more. 

You can also use this to gather general feedback about your gym.

New member fitness questionnaire
The biggest advantage of using this type of questionnaire is that it tells you how well – if at all – your marketing campaigns are doing. 

Leveraging the information from these surveys can double your members and help you scale like never before. 

Fitness questionnaire templates 
Now that you know the different types of surveys you can use for your gym, here’s your guide to creating a fitness questionnaire. 

Before we move on to the survey templates, let’s look at some helpful tips that you should always remember when designing your questionnaires: 

Identify the why 
The more targeted your questions are, the better responses you’ll get. Otherwise, your results will be all over the place and it might be difficult to pull valuable data from the surveys. So always identify your key objective for the survey before you sit down to design the questions. 

Decide on your survey questions 
There can be many different ways to ask the same question. But you need to keep your questions to the point and design them in a way that’s simple to understand. For that, identify who your target respondents are and create questions for their level of understanding and the time they can give you. 


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