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Why you need social media marketing strategies for your business

Why you need social media marketing strategies for your business

How much screen time do you use daily?

If you’re like us and just viewed your screen time usage when asked that question, you don’t need to feel guilty. Most of the world uses mobiles regularly for social media. In fact, 52% of the world’s population use social media platforms daily, with an average browsing time of 2 hours 27 minutes.  Arguably, with Facebook’s switch to the Meta and the belief in a digital universe, that statistic will probably increase, and so will the amount of time people spend viewing content on social networks. 

Today many people view content online through images, polls, videos, blog posts, commenting on friends’ posts, viewing products and services. Due to this excessive time spent on digital devices, it’s an avenue that should be explored when advertising a fitness business.

In business alone, 71% of small-medium sized businesses advertise themselves on social networks, with almost half posting daily. This means if you want to target many people and for your brand to be remembered well, you have to conduct your marketing strategically, so it stands apart from the other businesses excessively advertising on the internet.

Therefore to market well on social media, you have to innovate and be one step ahead of the game with a solid social strategy.

In this article, we will look at what social media marketing is, what the key benefits of social media marketing are, and the different types of social media strategies you can implement for your business. 

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What is social media marketing?
Benefits of social media marketing strategies
Types of social media marketing strategies
What is social media marketing? 
Social media marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, to showcase and promote products and services. It’s an incredibly powerful marketing method as, unlike print or tv advertising, you can hone the power of the internet to advertise to your target audience. 

Plus, unlike offline marketing, you get to track your ads seeing what went well and what could do better. The content that social media marketing uses is often varied, being conducted over photos, videos, polls, blogs, updates, and more to drive customer engagement rate. 

But you don’t want to just go out and publish content without giving it a serious thought to its order and structure. You’ll want to implement a strategy that helps you plan in advance across several days and weeks. A strategy saves you a lot of time as it’s a detailed blueprint for your online marketing. 

Benefits of social media marketing strategies
Having a social media marketing strategy can really help improve your business due to the following:

Saves time 
On average small businesses spend around 6 hours a week dedicated to social media errands. Whether you’re a small, medium, or large corporation, you might find yourself spending this amount, if not more, attending to your social media.  Arguably, these 6 hours could sometimes be better spent elsewhere if utilized properly, like building better in person customer relationships, reviewing your products and services, and more. 

By simply planning what type of content you’re going to post and scheduling it in advance using scheduling tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and Planable, you’ll be saving a lot of time. It allows your staff to allocate their time elsewhere instead of taking time to think each day about what content to post, editing the content, and posting to every social media channel. Plus, it streamlines all your content for a variety of social media channels in one place. 

Real-time insights
Social media accounts you decide to post on will provide you with social media analytics and insights into your posts. Such insights allow you to see exactly who’s engaging with your content and can be broken down based on age, location, gender, device type, interests, and more. Plus, it can show you what’s the best time to post content. As a result, it allows your business to refine its marketing techniques and effectively target your demographic.

Greater brand awareness 
By having a solid social media strategy with the right implementation of hashtags, you can target people outside your typical target audience and location. This can be especially beneficial for your business if you encourage your viewers to use your hashtags, as people unfamiliar with your business may view them. As a result, you could get more inbound traffic. Thus, a rise in inbound traffic could potentially switch into conversions. 

Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty
Social media strategies allow your brand to be consistent across all channels and allow users to become familiar with your brand’s persona. This will allow potential customers to understand what you’re about and be less confused and more satisfied with what you’re offering. Plus, if your content or comments solves problems, it’s likely visitors will become more loyal to your social media channels. 

Competitor analysis 
Just like what we said earlier, social media marketing can provide you with real-time insights, metrics and analytics, allowing you to know how you’re doing. Once you have your analytics, you can compare them to your competitors; you can usually get these through websites like SEMRUSH and Buzz Sumo. 
