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Showing posts from January, 2022

Red Cross Offers Chance to Win Super Bowl 2022 Tickets Amid Blood Shortage

  Red Cross Offers Chance to Win Super Bowl 2022 Tickets Amid Blood Shortage Jan. 13, 2022 -- The American Red Cross is hoping to entice blood donors this month by offering a chance to win tickets to Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles or a home theater package, according to The Wall Street Journal. The nonprofit, which provides 40% of the country’s blood, said supply is at historically low levels. With a 10% overall decline in people giving blood during the pandemic and a 60% drop in blood drives at schools and colleges, this marks the worst blood shortage in more than a decade. “The crisis is so severe that we are having to limit the amount of blood that can be sent to hospitals,” Emily Coberly, MD, Red Cross divisional medical director, told the newspaper. Low blood supply can affect patient care, which is particularly urgent during the ongoing pandemic. Coberly said she has seen multiple examples of people with cancer who couldn’t receive transfusions on their scheduled treatment days. “

Why Getting COVID on Purpose Is a Dangerous Idea

  Why Getting COVID on Purpose Is a Dangerous Idea Jan. 13, 2022 -- As COVID-19 cases from Omicron in the United States have skyrocketed to what seems like new records every other day, speculation is rising among some experts and scientific novices alike that infection for many seems unavoidable. MORE FROM THE WEBMD NEWSROOMl Asthma, Pneumonia and Other Lung Diseases Explained Symptoms of Coronavirus What Happens When You Get Coronavirus? In a Senate hearing Tuesday, acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, MD, even told the panel, "most people are going to get COVID." In mid-December, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, said vaccines alone won't protect us against Omicron. In late December, an epidemiologist told BBC News: "We have to be realistic; we are not going to stop Omicron." Now, posts are popping up on social media resurrecting ideas similar to chickenpox parties, where you intentionally mingle with infected people. One r

United Airlines Says 3,000 Employees Tested Positive

  United Airlines Says 3,000 Employees Tested Positive Jan. 13, 2022 - United Airlines is responding to the surge in COVID cases by cutting an unspecified number of flights to "make sure we have the staffing and resources to take care of our customers," company CEO Scott Kirby said in a memo to employees, USA Today reported. Kirby said 3,000 of the airline’s employees in the United States – about 4.5% of the workforce – have tested positive for COVID. During the holiday travel rush, about a third of United employees in Newark, N.J., called in sick on a single day. Newark Liberty International is one of United’s hubs. “Our frontline teams continue to put in a tremendous effort during what I know is an incredibly challenging and stressful time – the omicron surge has put a strain on our operation, resulting in customer disruptions during a busy holiday season,” Kirby said in the memo, according to USA Today. Flight tracker FlightAware said United canceled 149 flights on Tuesday

Omicron Surge Pushing Health Care System to Limit

  Omicron Surge Pushing Health Care System to Limit Jan. 14, 2022 -- The U.S. health care industry was already stretched thin by two years of the COVID-19 pandemic when the Omicron variant struck. As hospitals fill with patients again, experts and workers say damage to the industry may be long-lasting. “It has exploded. We’re in a crisis, red-tier situation again,” Denise Duncan, a registered nurse and president of the United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals, told NBC News. Doctors and other health care professionals are overworked and continually face the threat of being infected themselves. Some are quitting or changing their jobs, causing staffing shortages in already overburdened medical facilities. “Everyone is quitting, the nurses especially, and a lot of doctors are retiring,” a Pennsylvania physician who asked not to be named told NBC News. “I’m going back into fellowship because as a hospitalist everything is your responsibility and when pat

Track how full ICUs are with Covid patients across the U.S.

 Maps: Track how full ICUs are with Covid patients across the U.S. In Maryland, Covid patients are now filling 42 percent of the state’s adult intensive care unit beds, the highest rate in the nation. In Connecticut, 32 percent of adult ICU beds are filled with Covid patients, more than double the rate four weeks ago. These are just two states where the share of Covid patients in ICUs are growing, and ICUs report that more than 80 percent of their beds are in use, a pandemic record. As of Wednesday, the share of ICU beds given to adult patients with Covid had increased in three-fourths of the country, as more people require aid in highly stressed critical care facilities, according to an NBC News analysis of data from the Department of Health and Human Services. Hospital ICU stress, a measure designed to help hospitals plan and manage their surge capacity, was a concept introduced by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The

Critics call to end three-month celibacy requirement for gay, bisexual men amid blood shortage

 Critics call to end three-month celibacy requirement for gay, bisexual men amid blood shortage Amid a national blood shortage, LGBTQ advocates and more than two dozen members of Congress are calling on the Food and Drug Administration to further ease donor restrictions on sexually active gay and bisexual men. To be eligible to donate blood in the United States, men who have sex with men must abstain from same-sex sexual activity for 90 days. The limitations have long been criticized as discriminatory by advocates and seen by many in the medical community as unnecessarily obstructive to the nation’s crucial blood supply. The chorus of criticism intensified this week after the Red Cross declared on Tuesday that the recent surge in Covid-19 cases had fueled the “worst blood shortage in more than a decade.” “This is a crisis of the FDA’s own making,” said Jay Franzone, an LGBTQ advocate who remained abstinent for a year to donate blood in January 2017, abiding by former and more stringent

A virus, a party and a lockdown: Why Boris Johnson’s luck may have just run out

 A virus, a party and a lockdown: Why Boris Johnson’s luck may have just run out LONDON — Could this actually be it for Boris Johnson? The prime minister faced the fight of his career Thursday after his qualified apology for flouting Covid regulations imposed by his government failed to quiet whispers about a mutiny within his own Conservative Party. On Wednesday, Johnson told a packed House of Commons that he was sorry for attending the May 20, 2020, party at No. 10 Downing St., but that he “believed implicitly that this was a work event.” This statement prompted laughter and jeers in the chamber. Johnson had finally admitted to attending the “bring your own booze” party with dozens of staff members in the garden of his residence and office. The event was held during a strict government lockdown that meant Britons were only allowed to meet one other person from outside their household, while schools, pubs and nonessential shops were closed. “The prime minister’s position has become or

Whether we'll need yearly boosters remains an open question, Fauci says

 Whether we'll need yearly boostDr. Anthony Fauci says it's conceivable that people may need to get Covid vaccine booster shots every year or two, but what variant the vaccine would target remains an open question. In an ideal world, however, scientists hope to develop a shot that would protect against all future variants of the coronavirus, as well as other types of coronaviruses that cause other diseases, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NBC News. Full coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic Keeping up with the evolution of the coronavirus has felt a little like playing viral whack-a-mole: Every time a new variant pops up, there's a scramble to find out whether our current vaccines can smack it down. So far, it appears that the vaccines are working to prevent severe illness and death even from the omicron variant, although waning immunity has led to the need for boosters. "We were doing quite well with a primary vaccina

Puerto Rico is mandating booster shots for public school students 12 and up

 Puerto Rico is mandating booster shots for public school students 12 and up SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico’s governor announced Thursday that he will require public school students age 12 and older and all people in the tourism and entertainment sectors to get booster shots as the U.S. territory fights a surge in COVID-19 cases. The deadline for obtaining the booster shots is Feb. 15, said Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, who also said he would cap indoor capacity at 75 percent in all public and private places that serve clients. “We cannot let our guard down,” he said. Pierluisi also extended current restrictions for another two weeks, including demanding the closure of most businesses from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. and banning alcohol sales at those times. He recently delayed the opening of public schools by two weeks and required those working in the food, health and education sectors to get their boosters. Puerto Rico sees huge spike in Covid cases despite high vaccination rate JAN. 4, 202204:3

Some evidence shows omicron appears in your throat first. Should at-home Covid tests change?

  Some evidence shows omicron appears in your throat first. Should at-home Covid tests change? As omicron cases continue to sweep the United States, the Food and Drug Administration is being urged to gather more information about how well at-home Covid-19 tests are able to detect the variant. Evidence suggests the omicron variant of the virus may appear in the throat before it shows up in the nose. For this reason, there’s been pressure on the FDA to recommend swabbing the throat with the nasal swabs. But medical experts argue that anecdotes from people who test negative with a nasal swab at home but then test positive with a throat swab can be misleading. FDA officials say there isn’t enough data to support the practice.  “We do know the tests are picking up on omicron, but with less sensitivity,” acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said during a Senate Health Committee hearing Tuesday. “What we need to do is to see whether the throat swab could provide more sensitivity.” The F

Why you need social media marketing strategies for your business

Why you need social media marketing strategies for your business How much screen time do you use daily? If you’re like us and just viewed your screen time usage when asked that question, you don’t need to feel guilty. Most of the world uses mobiles regularly for social media. In fact, 52% of the world’s population use social media platforms daily, with an average browsing time of 2 hours 27 minutes.  Arguably, with Facebook’s switch to the Meta and the belief in a digital universe, that statistic will probably increase, and so will the amount of time people spend viewing content on social networks.  Today many people view content online through images, polls, videos, blog posts, commenting on friends’ posts, viewing products and services. Due to this excessive time spent on digital devices, it’s an avenue that should be explored when advertising a fitness business. In business alone, 71% of small-medium sized businesses advertise themselves on social networks, with almost half posting

Are fitness franchises profitable in 2022?

  Are fitness franchises profitable in 2022? The fitness industry is becoming increasingly competitive with time.  In 2021, there are over 103,626 gyms, health and fitness clubs in the US alone. That’s a 1.6% increase since 2020 and a 28% increase since 2010.     Given the competition, it’s rather difficult for a business owner to open and run a new gym while making a profit. One way to manage that is to buy a gym franchise. You’ve probably heard of some famous fitness franchises such as Anytime Fitness and Snap fitness.  Recently, Anytime fitness became the first fitness franchise to operate in all seven continents.  That raises the question: are fitness franchises profitable? And if so, what makes them better than just one location?  In this article, we will look at what a fitness franchise is, what makes a fitness franchise profitable and then list some of the most profitable franchises around the globe.  Skip ahead to: What is a fitness franchise?  Are fitness franchises profitable

How to write a mission statement for gyms

  How to write a mission statement for gyms Have you ever thought about how trustworthy your fitness business looks to your workers and customers? Arguably, trust is an essential pillar to surviving in the highly competitive fitness industry. Plus, if you’re a leading organization that is highly trusted, you’re more than likely to have 2.5 x more organization and growth in your company than lower-performing competitors.  Trust does not just happen overnight, though, and there’s no one straight formula to accruing a lot of trust from your members.  While there are a million different methods to generate trust, there’s one proven and successful way to lay the foundations for trust in your health club: a mission statement. In this article, we will look at what a mission statement is, why its important and how to create on for your fitness business. Skip ahead to: What is a mission statement? Why do businesses need a mission statement?  How to create a mission statement    What is a missio

The fitness questionnaire – how to use it for your fitness business

  The fitness questionnaire – how to use it for your fitness business When gym owners read statistics such as engaged gym members have a five times more retention rate – it helps them offer better and more defined services.  But where do these statistics come from? – surveys.  We all know that the fitness industry is highly competitive. For you to make a difference and stand out, you need to identify your target audiences, build loyalty, and offer superb services.  Fitness questionnaires can help you achieve that.  If you’re a new fitness club owner, then this article will help you understand the different kinds of fitness questionnaires you should be making and what you should include in them.  Skip ahead to: What is a fitness questionnaire and why do you need it?   Types of fitness questionnaires you can make  Fitness questionnaire templates  Tips to remember when designing survey questions    What is a fitness questionnaire and why do you need it?   Fitness questionnaires are survey

How to use a gym trial to sign up new members

  How to use a gym trial to sign up new members As a gym, the ongoing challenge to find new members is real. A tried and tested method for attracting new members is a gym trial. Free and paid gym trials both have advantages and disadvantages. But, how do you not only get customers to sign up for your gym trial but actually keep them coming back after one visit? Several factors influence the success of your gym trial. Do your visitors get what they expect from you on their first visit? Are you attracting the right kind of customers to your gym trial offer? These are key questions you need to ask yourself. By breaking down the process of using a gym trial, we can begin to understand how you can effectively sign up members in your business. Implementing the right approach for your business is key to a successful gym trial.  In this article we will look at what a gym trial is, factors to consider when using a gym trial and how to use a gym trial successfully.  Skip ahead to: What is a gym

A comprehensive guide to closing a sale for your fitness business

  A comprehensive guide to closing a sale for your fitness business Getting prospective members to sign-up for your gym or health center seems like the ultimate accomplishment as a gym owner. Closing a sale is impressive for you as a sales professional and it’s profitable for your brand.  But the best sales made are the result of so much more than what’s obvious in the sales cycle. There are a lot of moving parts to a sales process and they are all homogeneously essential.  In this article, we’ll run through the most effective sales techniques for the fitness industry and some common mistakes to avoid. We’ll also go over how you can use them to accelerate the growth of your gym. Skip ahead to:  What does closing a sale mean? Common mistakes gym owners make when closing a sale Closing a sale: creating a good offer Tips for closing membership sales for a fitness business 7 different ways to close a sale   What does closing a sale mean? Closing a sale means getting a yes from your potenti

What are the key metrics for a fitness business?

  What are the key metrics for a fitness business? The gym and health club industry is undergoing a massive transition. While it’s a highly lucrative one generating around $96.7 billion in global profits in 2019, it’s also one of the most threatened industries after the covid-19 pandemic.  In order to remain profitable and competitive, you need to understand the dynamics that make a business successful.  And for that, you must recruit every advantage that you can get, especially when it comes to digitalization. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are something that every small business owner needs to familiarize themselves with to increase their bottom line.   If you don’t know what that is or what parameters you need to be tracking for your gym, then you’re in the right place.  In this article, we will go through what key performance metrics are, how you should track key metrics in your business and what metrics you need to be tracking. Skip ahead to: What are key performance indicators

11 Ways to Build a Successful Hybrid Gym

  11 Ways to Build a Successful Hybrid Gym If you can take any lesson from 2020, it’s that digital fitness isn’t going anywhere. In what has been a tough time for many industries, the coronavirus pandemic showed that businesses need to adapt to survive. That’s exactly what the fitness industry did. To survive in the current climate and into the future, running a hybrid fitness business is key. By combining digital and in-person elements in your business, you can expand your reach, support your community, and boost your bottom line. A hybrid business model puts you in a more secure position as it allows you to continue to generate revenue even with gym closures and restrictions. In this article, we discuss why you need a hybrid gym in 2021 and 11 ways to make it successful.  Skip ahead to: [table_of_contents} What is a Hybrid Gym? A hybrid fitness business combines in-person and online offerings. For example, you have a gym and a digital fitness platform where you stream your classes an

10 Fitness Franchise Opportunities for Your Business

  10 Fitness Franchise Opportunities for Your Business Franchising your fitness business is an excellent way to grow your empire. By expanding a successful fitness business using proven methods, you can grow your business at a rapid rate. If you decide to franchise out your business, unique opportunities arise.  Fitness entrepreneurs who have built a successful brand often look to franchising to continue to expand. Like any business model, franchising has its benefits and drawbacks. While it may not suit everyone, a franchise opportunity can help you grow your business fast in a unique way. This article discusses what a fitness franchise is and 10 opportunities that come from franchising your fitness business. Skip ahead to: What is a Fitness Franchise? 4 Successful Gym Franchise Businesses 10 Fitness Franchise Opportunities for Your Business What is a Fitness Franchise?  The fitness franchise industry is a billion-dollar sector. Over the last few years, the industry has benefitted fro